Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 follow the phonics based program Read Write Inc (RWI). It’s an approach to teaching phonics in which individual letters or letter sounds are blended to form groups of letters or sounds, and those groups are then blended to form complete words. Children and staff also use Ruth Miskins’ Read, Write Inc resources.
Our daily phonics sessions in Reception, Year 1 and 2 are fun, involving lots of speaking, listening and games. The emphasis is on children’s active participation. They learn to use their phonic knowledge for reading and writing activities and in their independent play.
Reading Schemes
Children throughout the school are encouraged to read a varying range of books and we use a number of reading schemes.
Probably the easiest way to help your child is to read each day. Children should be encouraged to read aloud and read on their own, but being read to is really important, too, so don’t overlook the bedtime story!